Dr. Michelle S. Thomas, Your Business Surgeon is the Executive FOUNDER/ CEO of The Exceptional Woman Enterprise. An Enterprise created to remove the barriers of sustainable growth that often interrupt the potentials of success for many women entrepreneurs, especially women of color. The Exceptional Woman Enterprise consists of RESULT-DRIVEN entities focusing on providing Mastery Level tools of business principles for a clear understanding of each complex level of their entrepreneurial journey. 

break through historical barriers, build your legacy

Your Business Surgeon

obtain the profitable business you deserve with

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82% of New Business Owners 

Recognize that their early setbacks could have been minimized with the right training tools!


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Dr. Michelle knows that together we WILL prove that prediction wrong!


studies predict it will take 136 years to achieve equality

She took her 30+ years of building multi-billion dollar businesses within multiple industries and created a SAFE SPACE Eco-System where Women Entrepreneurs, no matter their experience, finances, support systems, or stage of life WILL achieve their goals, dreams, and aspirations while establishing GENERATIONAL LEGACIES strong enough to pass through the next SIX GENERATIONS


So              Built One!


Dr. Michelle has always envisioned a world where women professionals would THRIVE through the equality they deserve...